{{'Hi' | translate}} 🤘

{{'Looks like' | translate}} {{ar.recommendationData.user_name}} {{'is our common friend! How awesome is that?' | translate}}

{{'Go on, select your first membership' | translate}} discount {{'and register your own account!' | translate}}

* {{'Discounted passes' | translate}}: {{publicPassWithDiscount.pass.name}},

{{'Hi' | translate}} {{ar.user.firstName}} 🤘

{{'In order to access your gym profile, purchase your membership.' | translate}}

{{'Hi' | translate}} 👋

{{'To sign up for selected classes, please select your membership and create account.' | translate}}

{{"We are processing your payment. Please, give us few seconds more." | translate}} 🙄

🎉 {{'Congrats!' | translate}}

You have successfully registered and purchased your first membership!

Now, check your inbox. We sent you all the instructions on how you can log in onto your new account.

info Check your spam or junk folder if you don't see the email in your inbox.

🎉🎉 {{'You have successfully signed up for classes' | translate}}:

{{ar.userWorkout.classes.plan.name}} {{ar.userWorkout.classes.start_time | minutesToTime}} {{'on' | translate}} {{ar.userWorkout.date | momentFormat:'short'}}

info To manage your signups, you need to log in to you account. We have sent an email with all the details.


Something went wrong, try again.

Choose your membership:
{{publicPass.pass.name}} {{publicPass.pass.price | price}} / {{publicPass.pass.sessions}} {{publicPass.pass.sessions == 1 ? 'entries_1' : (publicPass.pass.sessions < 5 ? 'entries_2_4' : 'entries_5') | translate}} / {{publicPass.pass.period_quantity}} {{publicPass.pass.period_unit + (publicPass.pass.period_quantity > 1 ? "s": "") | translate}}
{{'Select' | translate}}

We didn't manage to sign you up for classes {{ar.signUpClasses.plan.name}} {{'on' | translate}} {{ar.signUpDate}} {{'at' | translate}} {{ar.signUpClasses.start_time | minutesToTime}}

{{'Reason' | translate}}: {{ar.errorMessage}}

{{day.date | momentFormat:"day-name" | translate}}, {{day.date | momentFormat:"short"}}

Time{{cl.start_time | minutesToTime}} - {{cl.end_time | minutesToTime}}
Coaches{{coach.public_coach.first_name + ' ' + coach.public_coach.last_name}},
Limit{{cl.number_of_signed_members}} / {{cl.class_limit}}
{{'Sign up' | translate}}
{{'No classes' | translate}}
info More classes and many many other options, can be found after logging on your account. We have sent all the instructions on your email.